EVERY Student …  EVERY Day!

April 29, 2024

Hello LPOSD Families,

Last Friday, staff across the district took part in a Professional Development Day! I'm always inspired by our staff stepping into the role of learners. The day was filled with a variety of engaging activities and discussions aimed at enhancing both teaching practices and student well-being. The day was reported to be highly productive and filled with positive stories from the staff. Take a moment to view our final Strategic Plan video which features Andra Murray, Director of Elementary Teaching and Learning, highlighting the diverse ways in which our LPOSD staff benefit from professional development opportunities.

Another heartfelt thank you goes out to PAFE! At their recent Annual Board Meeting, the organization voted to generously fund LPOSD's third ASO (Armed Security Officer) next year. We will soon begin the hiring process to bring aboard a highly qualified individual to complement Keith Delahanty, JD McElroy, and Don Little (SRO). Together, they will further strengthen connections with students, uphold school safety, and offer expertise in handling safety concerns. After 8 months of having this team present across the district's campuses, we continue to witness the positive impact of their efforts in fostering healthy relationships with students, alongside their colleagues.

I would also like to congratulate all of our students and teachers who have been putting forth their best effort on the Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) over the last few weeks! While these tests are only one indicator of student growth, they serve as a tool to help us as we move forward with learning together.

Can you believe it's nearly May? Only a few weeks left of school - let's finish strong and make the most of the changing seasons! I invite you to attend our June graduation ceremonies for each of our secondary schools.

Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership, bwm

Dr. Becky Meyer, Superintendent

Public Notice: 

Notice of Bid Publications 7-9-2024


Operational Plan 2023-2024

Parent/ Community Input 

Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan Checklist

LEA  ARP ESSER Plan -Use of Funds


Student Safety Summit - A Parent Education Forum 

Please see the presented slides and resources below: 

Idaho State Police Lieutenant Jess Stennett's Presentation 

Juvenile Probation Supervisor Loni Whiteman's Presentation 

Statewide Naloxone Distribution:



Video played by Lieutenant Stennet:



Resource provided by Lieutenant Stennet:



May 7 is Fentanyl Awareness Day-this link contains a four-minute video that parents can watch with their teen children and then have a 5 min conversation with them afterwards. It comes with a conversation guide.

Watch & Talk | FentanylAwarenessDay