Strategic Plan

Lake Pend Oreille School District is excited to share with you our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, which was developed with the input and collaboration of many groups and individuals in our community.

Under the leadership of Superintendent Dr. Becky Meyer, we embarked on a comprehensive process to gather feedback from various stakeholders, including parents, staff, students, and community members. Through community forums, focus groups, and an online survey that received over 1,000 responses, we ensured that every voice had the opportunity to shape the direction of our district for the next five years. 

After carefully analyzing and synthesizing the valuable input received, we identified central themes that reflect stakeholder priorities. These themes revolve around four key areas: Facilities, Student Connection, Quality Staff, and Community Connection.

To ensure transparency and accountability in our planning process, a draft plan was shared with the public in January 2023 for further feedback. After incorporating this feedback into a finalized plan that aligns with our vision for educational excellence in Lake Pend Oreille School District , it was presented to our Board of Trustees for approval in March 2023.

We are proud to announce that as of July 1st, 2023, this strategic plan is now in effect. It will guide us as we work towards providing exceptional education opportunities for every student, every day - while fostering strong connections within our school community.

Thank you for your continued support as we strive towards achieving our shared goals. Together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of every student at Lake Pend Oreille School District!


Improve School Safety 


Address Deficient and Unsafe Building Conditions


Student Connection

Improve Academic Engagement 


Cultivate Student Wellbeing 



Quality Staff

Boost Job Satisfaction 


Provide Robust and Relevant Professional Development 



Community Connection

Communicate Effectively 


Partner with Parents 


Build Community Partnerships 

