Enrollment Information
Student pre-registration Enrollment
The information on this page will walk you through the process to either confirm enrollment for your current LPOSD student for the 2025-26 school year, or to enroll a new student into the school district.
PowerSchool Parent Portal - https://lposd.powerschool.com/public
The following documents are required for Enrollment (click on blue links):
Certified Copy of Child's Birth Certificate (NEW Students Only)
Proof of Current Residency (All Students)
Accepted: Utility Bill, Internet Bill, Mortgage Statement, and Lease Agreement
Not Accepted: Cellphone Bill and Driver's License
Immunization Records -OR- Idaho School Immunization Requirements Exemption Form (NEW Students Only)
Advance Opportunities Participation Form (NEW Middle and High School Students Only)
(Please Note: Children entering kindergarten must be 5 years of age on or before September 1st. For enrollment into first grade, a child must be 6 years of age on or before the first day of September. There are no exceptions under Idaho law for exceptionally mature students to enter school early.)
Need help with Account or Technical Issues?
Three ways to contact the Help Desk:
On the Web: http://helpdesk.lposd.org
Email helpdesk@lposd.org
Call the District Office (208) 263-2184 ext. 1001, the Help Desk line is open M-F 8am - 4pm
Open Enrollment Process & Application
Read the Board Policy Manual section on Open Enrollment - LPOSD Board Policy 3010 - Open Enrollment
Open enrollment applications will be accepted at any time throughout the year.
Those applications submitted by February 1 may receive first consideration for open enrollment in the indicated grade.
Applicants meeting the February 1 deadline will receive notification of their open enrollment status within 60 days of the date that the complete application was submitted.
Questions regarding Open Enrollment? Please contact the LPOSD school you would like your student to attend.